By: Kristen Eriksen
I have watched some wonderful commercials over the years. I really admire the people who are wise and witty enough to create ads that you remember forever. Who doesn’t remember “Hey, Mikey. He likes it!” and “Where’s the beef?” I can sing the entire Oscar Meyer Weiner song, “Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner…(Everybody, now!) that is what I’d truly like to be-e-e” and the bologna son,g “My bologna has a first name. It’s O-S-C-A-R.” I know there are many more recent ones- I am showing my age!!!! I love Flo, the progressive girl, the taco bell Chihuahua, Spuds MacKenzie, and the Bud Bowl, too. I could go on forever, but that is not what I am writing about today.
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Clik here to view.I am quite surprised that I have not, until today, heard any outrage about the Ad Council’s recent campaign to urge kids to go to college. Hey, if you can skateboard, you can go to college. Have you seen this one? I like watching the girl try multiple times until she succeeds, but they actually say something to the effect of “Yeah, if you can play video games as well as you do, you can get into college.” Really? Is that the best you’ve got to encourage kids? That, my friends, is sad. The girl has a helmet on, but is not even wearing knee pads, elbow pads or gloves.
Another ad shows a boy graffiti-ing a huge wall in an inner city at dusk. The first time I saw this advertisement, I thought it was about police protection. This is pathetic!!!! Last I knew, painting graffiti art on public buildings was defacing public property and therefore illegal. I know that kids are involved in lots of creative projects related to graffiti, but just find it sad to think that this is what the Ad Council came up with to try to encourage kids to go to college.
I may sound a bit negative here, but this is not the best use of our tax dollars!!!! I just think that reminding kids about school achievements would be a better way. I know that kids like skateboarding and video games (probably too much, in my old lady humble opinion!) but there are better ways to use those activities to perk kids’ interest. Just sayin’!
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